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  Recherche de catalogue 4 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2019/04/26 Finnigan, Kelly The Tales People Tell Soul 674862653881 COLEMINE CASS CLMN12025
2019/04/26 Finnigan, Kelly The Tales People Tell Soul 674862653874 COLEMINE CD CLMN12025
2019/04/26 Finnigan, Kelly The Tales People Tell Soul 674862653867 COLEMINE LP CLMN12025
2020/08/29 Finnigan, Kelly 2020RSD - The Tales People Tell (Instrumentals) (blue vinyl) R&B 674862654468 COLEMINE LP CLMN12025XLPC1

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