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  Recherche de catalogue 3 Records Returned
Date  Artiste  Descending Titre  Genre  Code barre  Label  Format Catalogue 
2018/07/20 A.G. (Andre The Giant / D.I.T.C.) The Taste of Ambrosia Hip Hop 852678019415 SLICE OF SPICE CD SOSR017
2018/07/20 A.G. (Andre The Giant / D.I.T.C.) The Taste of Ambrosia (red vinyl) Hip Hop 852678019507 SLICE OF SPICE LP SOSR017CLR
2018/07/20 A.G. (Andre The Giant / D.I.T.C.) The Taste of Ambrosia Hip Hop 852678019422 SLICE OF SPICE LP SOSR017

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